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Scroll down to read about the dogs that have been saved through Sunny Pits. Each dog has an amazing story that will show you why adopted pets rule! Also, we have jokes.




Age <6 mos.

Type Puppy

Est. Adult Weight >50 lbs.

Color Light Tan/Merle

Gender Female

Nickname Velms

Potty Trained? Yes

Crate Trained? Yes

Full of energy? Yes

Good with people? Yes

Good with dogs? Yes

Good with cats? Not tested

Special Move

Maximum Cuteness

Opponent is overcome with infatuation and feels the need to shower her with affection



Velma is one of the 8 puppies we rescued and adopted out from the Merle Crew. She was always super sweet and gentle. We were lucky to have a great foster home for her prior to adoption so she has always known a loving home.


Status - Adopted:


She was adopted in early September to a great home along with the rest of the Merle Crew. We look forward to seeing her grow up and integrate into life with her new family. Stay posted for updates.




Age 2 yrs.

Type One Happy Boy

Weight 55 lbs.

Color Tuxedo Black

Gender Male 

Nickname Orca Dorka, Orca Bean

Potty Trained? Yes

Crate Trained? Yes

Full of energy? Yes

Good with people? Yes

Good with dogs? Yes

Good with cats? Not tested

Special Move

Hyper Speed

Overwhelms the opponent with sheer speed and endurance until they lose the will to go on 



We rescued Orca from euthanasia when he was 10 months old. After being with us for about a year and a half total, Orca was our longest resident to date. He was also the first official rescue of Sunny Pits. He had a rocky road with an adoption fail and anxiety issues but after much work and time with him he really was one of our own. 


Status - Adopted:


We are so excited for his furever home. He got lots of land to run on and a family all to his own. We are thankful to the Tedesco family for opening their home and hearts to sweet Orca. Happy tails!




Age <1 year

Type Cuddlebug

Weight 65 lbs.

Color Blue-Gray

Gender Male 

Nickname Piglet

Potty Trained? Yes

Crate Trained? Yes

Cute and Cuddly? Yes

Good with people? Yes

Good with dogs? Yes

Good with cats? Not Tested

Special Move

Social Butterfly

Charms the opponent into a sense of security with charisma and good looks



Harley was one of Tigger's three puppies, all of which are more than twice her size. He was the only male of the litter. He was such a sweet pup when we had him and he loved his two sisters.



Status - Adopted:


Harley's adopters love spending time with him. He is getting all the love and care he deserves and we are so happy for him. He goes to the pet store and doggy day care where he can socialize with his buddies.


Also, it's important that you know he loves his ball. 




Age 10 yrs.

Type Old/Crotchety

Weight 65 lbs.

Color Gray/White

Gender Female 

Nickname Momma Zoe

Potty Trained? Yes

Crate Trained? Haha...No

Old and Cranky? Very

Good with people? Yes

Good with dogs? Yes

Loving the A/C? Yes

Special Move

Walking Farts

Incapacitates her opponent via a mobile and widespread deployment of noxious gas.



Like most of the dogs we receive, her origins are unknown. What we do know is that she was used for backyard breeding in Alabama. She was kept outdoors, her teeth were ground down to almost nothing and her ears were cropped. When we received her she had mange, heartworms, and was malnourished. The person that was keeping her was considering euthanasia. Thanks to overwhelming enthusiasm from our supporters, we were able to take her and provide a proper home and medical care.




Status - Sanctuary:


We didn't know exactly what we were getting into, but with many donations and the help of a vet's office, we decided to provide Zoe with care through the end of her life. Turns out, that could be quite a long time, and we are overjoyed to hear it. After getting proper nutrition, antibiotics, lots of exercise and air conditioning, her skin is looking very healthy and her demeanor has become increasingly pleasant. She finally knows how to play and just be a dog. She still has heartworms and they may not be treatable, but we will do whatever is possible. As long as she is happy and healthy enough she will have a home here at Sunny Pits.

Thank you again to everyone that believed it wasn't too late to give her the life she deserves.


Update: Zoe was passed away in late 2019 due to worsening health issues. She was cremated and given a place in our home to remember her by.




Age 4 yrs.

Type Couch Potato

Weight 75 lbs.

Color White

Gender Male 

Nickname Poopa

Potty Trained? Yes

Crate Trained? No

Down for a Nap? Always

Good with people? Yes

Good with dogs? Yes

Sunbathing? Yes, please

Special Move

Drunken Boxing

Catches the opponent off guard with staggered and unpredictable movements. Increased critical chance.



As far as we know, Apollo was found alone and malnourished in a vacant field just a month before he came to us. He was picked up and taken to the local shelter and, on their recommendation, we took him because of our experience with deaf dogs. On the first day home, he had a grand mal seizure, which scared us a little. After an epilepsy diagnosis, he is now on medication. His seizures are mild and infrequent. 




Status - Sanctuary:


From the very beginning, we knew Apollo was going to be a great dog. His demeanor is always calm and pleasant but he knows how to have fun. Because he is deaf and his epilepsy requires a very strict medication schedule, and also because we love him so much, we decided to provide permanent sanctuary for him. Unfortunately his medication keeps him mildly sedated, so he doesn't always move too fast, but he still finds a way to play with the other dogs. He still has bursts of energy and his gait is impressive when he is in a full run. Because of his breed, he isn't as stocky as the other dogs, but he is by far the largest dog we have had to date.

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